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Are You A Personal Injury Lawyer In Austin, Texas?

Did You Create Your Website Back When Using Your Name or Initials As Part of Your Website Was Considered OK?

Is Your Website Address Easy To Remember For a Client Who Sees It In An Ad?

There was a time not that long ago when it was ok for your website to be something like JohnDoeAttorney.com or JDALaw.com.  Of course this was back when loading sites with keywords or buying backlinks got your site to the top of search results.  The problems with this are not quickly apparent.  First, search algorithms have changed and content is king.  Second, people don’t use the phone book anymore.  So your print ads that used to be in a client’s hand are now more likely in the form of billboards or an ad on the side of a bus or other static ad that someone injured in a car accident will see.  If they can’t take the ad with them, it is crucial that they remember your website address.  Is that potential client more likely to remember JDALaw.com or InjuredInAustin.com?  If your domain name is more like JDALaw.com, do some searches and see what your competition is using.  You will find that some of them are leap-frogging you even though they may not be as established as you.  If you are interested in learning more about purchasing this domain, or other excellent and memorable domains I have available, Click Here.  Or you can find my contact info on my website here.